WelcomeThank you for visiting The Golden Bough Tree Farm - Online. Browse for Trees & Shrubs using the links along the left. The links across the top will direct you to information about our business, an order form, Hardiness Zone Map and other information to help you give your trees a safe and healthy new home. Welcome Fall 2007 customers! Not only is Autumn a great time to plant trees but you also benefit from an extra season's growth at Spring's prices. Our online catalog has been updated for our Fall 2007 Season. Orders received by September 30 will be shipped out in early October or can be picked up on Saturday, October 6th. For two years of our printed catalog please send $2 to Golden Bough, Marlbank, Ontario, K0K 2L0.
We Ship Canada-WideThough located in eastern Ontario, our years of experience have taught us the very best way to transport bare root trees & shrubs across the country. Our expert staff pack your order for shipment using care and quality materials to safeguard your purchase as it travels from our home to yours. We ship only in early spring and mid-autumn to take advantage of the best planting seasons. |

Sir James Frazer's dense 12-volume masterpiece, The Golden Bough, still forms a cornerstone of social anthropology. Starting from a grove sacred to Diana, south of Rome, the good professor's lifetime study led him to conclude that our ancestors believed in magic as a means of controlling or mitigating elemental forces. These systems of faith began, at least in part, with a reverance for trees. This, in turn, led to religious beliefs in which tribal gods and spirits were propiated by shamans attuned to the emotional needs and fears of their people. To Frazer, the logical third stage in this process was scientific thought. As Robert Temple explains in his Illustrated Golden Bough (an attractive modern abridgement to the original) Frazer's "work made clear for the first time (around 1900) that matters of human belief are important, not so much for their content, as for their psychological significance."